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Anyone who leads anyone can easily convince themselves that their way is best. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. However, without slowing down to do the work to question your ideas, you could risk alienating important people. In his book, Think Again, Adam Grant says we can fall into the trap of convincing ourselves our way is best when we do these three things.

  1. Preaching – the act of repeating our ideas and plans so much that we convince ourselves that our ideas are best
  2. Prosecuting – when we go after people who disagree with us
  3. Politicking – when we gather support from others for our way

Instead, Grant says, think like a scientist. Be curious about why things are the way they are and take the opportunity to be “less wrong.” Being curious about the nature of our organizations, and our teams is a sure way to gather the data you need to change your mind (when necessary) and lead with confidence knowing you did the hard work to serve the people you lead with your best efforts.

Enjoy this short video. It’s less than nine minutes – well worth your time. Just click play, sit still, enjoy.

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