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How to Create a Healthy Leadership Culture in 2014

Happy New Year! Since it’s still close to January 1, I’ll jump on the bandwagon and challenge you to make a new year’s resolution – spend more time developing your team.

Some people shy away from spending too much time on teamwork and developing a healthy culture. This is because teamwork & culture are hard things to measure. It’s far simpler to measure more objective targets like budgets and timelines. However, what I want to say is that failing to focus on teamwork & culture will inevitably result in wasting money and not meeting your goals. Therefore, focusing on teamwork is a necessity.

David Logan gave a TED talk a few years ago on how to become a healthy innovative culture. The key, Logan says, is to learn the language of the tribes that surround us. A tribe is a group of 20-150 people who believe strongly in a message. The message could be all about them or all about the vision. Learning to discern what a tribe believes is important if you are going to move them up to a healthier cultural status. Ultimately, we want the tribes we serve to be the healthiest possible so we can accomplish the vision we have.

Take 16 minutes to watch Dave Logan’s talk. Leading anything from a family to a huge company necessitates you understand the language of healthy culture. Enjoy.

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