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Space to Find Vision – Achata Coaching Update

This summer I had a rare opportunity that can be summed up in one word: Space.

From the summer of 2012 to the spring of 2013, I had a lot of work. It was a great blessing, but it was tiring. So this year when the summer rolled around, I had a rare opportunity. If I chose to, I could take much of the summer off to be with my family, travel, hang with my neighbors and re-assess where I wanted to focus in the coaching world for my next season. I’m happy to say that I did just that.  It was wonderful.

Now it’s September and I’m gearing up for the fall work load. But this time around I’m focusing my efforts in two areas. The first one is creative visioning and the second one is the coaching required to execute that vision. Here’s what this means.

Most leaders are so busy that they rarely have a few hours away to just think. But if you’ll do your research, the best leaders make intentional space to get grounded. This space is where they find vision. In addition to this, having the vision is one thing, but having guidance on how to carry it out is another. Well, that’s what coaching is all about. So I’ve decided to sum up what I do with this simple phrase:

I make space for leaders to find vision and provide guidance for action.

What does this mean? Well, you’ll find out soon. I’m going to be reformatting my whole website to explain what this means and show practically what this looks like acted out.

For sure – I can say this now. This phrase means I’m going to focus in on helping people discern big visions and co-create with them strategies in how to carry those visions out. As I’ve examined the patterns of the type of work I’ve done and the training I have, it all points to this. Sound interesting? A line is already forming of folks who are interested in getting this kind of coaching. If you, your company or someone you know needs this – it’s my new area of focus. Contact me by clicking here.

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